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Aug 26, 2022

I interviewed full-time passive investor Travis Watts. Travis is also Joe Fairless' head of investor education at Ashcroft Capital and has an all-around wealth of knowledge. He sees tremendous opportunities in the near future. Come hear why.


  • Who Travis Watts is
  • What impacted the real estate and economy at...

Aug 19, 2022

President Trump is the MacArthur, the Churchill of the 2020s. The world needs him to stop the tyranny and idiotic FBI fishing expedition with the raid at Mara-Lago just locked that in.


  • Why Gary thinks President Trump will win in 2024
  • How running for the presidency is a good thing for America
  • Who the badly...

Aug 12, 2022

For this episode, I provide my takeaways from an incredibly small group retreat last weekend with Denis Waitley, Kyle Wilson, and several inspirational industry leaders. I also tie the lessons from the Master Key System Part 24, the final section of this amazing book.


  • Who are the people Gary met during the...

Aug 5, 2022

Aaron and I discuss the math and philosophy behind investing with conventional 30-year loans in higher interest rate environments and help the investor understand the multi-dimensional aspects as to why this strategy wins at 7% and at 17% rates. Pearls of wisdom in investing and life success from my great friend....