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May 26, 2023

I provide my observations from the many economists and investing experts we heard from at George Gammon's Rebel Capitalist Live and conversations I had with friends about a recent investment loss we experienced.

Episode Highlights

  • Oil and gas investment that went south
  • The importance of depending on oneself for wealth...

May 19, 2023

This is the 2nd of a 2-part series on growing wealth through the combination of directly owned rental properties and infinite banking. In this one we discuss teaching the next generation, growing a legacy and answer some listener questions. If you missed part 1 last week, go back and review - I review why directly...

May 12, 2023

I have back on the show for a 2-part series on growing wealth through the combination of directly owned rental properties and infinite banking. In this one I review why directly owned assets, the first investing tier in the Hierarchy of Wealth, is vital to our long-term success and we discuss how each of us got started...

May 5, 2023

I answer a listener's question on why I like debt so much, and use it as an opportunity to review the multiple dimensions of growing wealth through rental property ownership.

Episode Highlights

  • Puerto Rico trip and consideration of potential tax benefits for moving there
  • Potential tax law changes in the US and...