Aug 25, 2023
As a follow up to my longer discussion on Legacy a few months ago, I share some insights from a recent conversation with my attorney Andrew Howell on what is most important and big picture techniques to protect the people and resources most important in your life.
Episode Highlights
Aug 18, 2023
Today, it is vital that America wakes up our true leaders of agency, not those in DC, but those in the small towns and big cities that have a rocket full of value inside and are afraid or confused of what happens when they ignite it. Gary's Gulch is about attracting these agency-filled leaders, helping them maximize...
Aug 11, 2023
Julie Holly, host of the Conscious Investor podcast and I discuss what it takes to achieve massive Agency in your life and gain true clarity on your path. Listen in and light that rocket of entrepreneurism that lies patiently inside you!
Episode Highlights
Aug 4, 2023
We are all seeking Agency, the ability to live life on our terms, to not be forced to say or do things that we know to be wrong but many do anyway because they feel financially stuck - it doesn't have to be that way - start today to Right your Ship and point it towards AGENCY!
Episode Highlights